Summer red

Our summer this year is best represented by the color red. These lovely coneflowers are a perfect representation – the full impact of summer’s heat and the warm colors that we associate with it. We jumped from our late and short spring of blues and greens into the heat and drought of summer. The Canadian wildfire smoke has been prevalent here. The usual clear and blue skies have been hazy and murky. The sun rises as a red and orange ball, sometimes barely visible , while the landscape takes on an eerie feeling where things aren’t as they seem.

And there’s the red of watermelon – a summer staple. Take a slice, bite into it, savor that taste of the summer months as the juices drip down your arms. And strawberries too, which are at their sweet peak right now providing a delicious burst when popped in your mouth. There’s red in our US flag representing hardiness and valor, and it’s sometimes said it also represents the blood of the men and women who have fought to protect our freedom and our country. A huge and heartfelt thanks to those people, and a happy 4th of July to all my US friends! Enjoy this carefree time of summer!