Snow sculpturing

It’s Winter Carnival time in Saint Paul, Minnesota. But there are challenges to be met this unusual year. With temperatures in the 30s and 40s we are most un-winterlike. To date we have had a paltry 7.3 inches of snow, whereas last year we had already shoveled over 53 inches. We’ve had a couple of subzero temperatures, but not the norm. For those people, events, and businesses that rely on cold and snow this winter has been a bust so far. Many lakes are not completely frozen yet, and those lakes that are frozen do not have the ice thickness to support cars, trucks, and the permanent ice houses. Skiers are flocking to areas with man-made snow, ice fishers are only walking onto the ice to fish (if even that), and some pond hockey events have been cancelled.

As of today, the Winter Carnival is going ahead with their snow sculptures. There were not nearly as many groups sawing and shaping their blocks of snow when I was at the fairgrounds earlier, although I did see snow sculptors wearing short sleeve shirts and no jackets (which is a statement of itself about the current conditions).

In Winter Carnival legend, King Boreas presides over the winter world of Saint Paul. He declares ten days of celebrating all things cold and wintry which he oversees with his wife, the Queen of Snows. But on the final day, Vulcanus Rex, the god of Fire, and his Krewe subdue the cold with heat, spring and summer are welcomed, and they rule until the following year when King Boreas and winter return. This year it appears Vulcanus Rex has a head-start and King Boreas will be retreating much sooner than usual!

Snow sculptures at the Saint Paul Winter Carnival

We are in the midst of the coolest celebration on earth – the Saint Paul Winter Carnival.  One of my favorite events to attend is the snow sculptures.  Teams work for hours taking a huge block of compacted snow and cutting and carving and sculpting it into a work of art.  In years past I’ve only seen the sculptures after they were completed, but this year I decided to take in the actual carving.  I found some teams with elaborate hand drawn sketches and plans for their sculpture, and other teams that had small dolls or toys that they were using for their design.  The tools, measurements, and time that go into these works of art is amazing.   The temperatures have been warmer than usual which created some challenges for the sculpting but the end results are always amazing.

Winter Carnival snow sculptures

While there’s been much excitement and numerous events throughout the Twin Cities with the Super Bowl game in town, many of our usual winter activities continue as they do in other years.  One of them, the St. Paul Winter Carnival, is in full swing.  Our weather has been wintry so the carnival’s timing is perfect for ice palaces and snow sculptures.  I wandered through the Vulcan Park snow sculptures at the State Fairground the other night.  It was cold and light flurries were starting to fall.  The sculptures were lit with changing colors and there were children and adults enjoying the evening.  This wonderful sculpture entitled “Eggloo” caught my eye with the broken egg shell and the young chick being sheltered under the wing.  On the other side of the park was a giant snow slide and I could hear the squeals and shrieks as people climbed on their sleds and flew down the slide.  All a part of winter enjoyment!

A celebration of all things wintry

St Paul Winter Carnival snow sculptures_StaatsThis week was the beginning the St. Paul Winter Carnival, a true celebration of all things having to do with winter.  And this year the weather has cooperated in fine fashion (some might even say it’s been a bit too cold).  In past years some of the events have had to be cancelled or shortened because of warming temperatures, but that isn’t an issue for us now.  The snow sculptures were being carved yesterday as I wandered around the Minnesota Fairgrounds.  This huge sculpture was especially popular for photographs, with the St. Paul Winter Carnival emblem in the center, surrounded by all sorts of cold-weather creatures and beasts.  There were even some “tools of the trade” – chests of saws and chisels – that were still being used for touch up.  The celebration continues through next weekend (although I truly believe winter will be lasting much longer than that!).